Managing Our Club

Legal Status

Camberwell Petanque Club Incorporated is a not for profit incorporated association under the Associations Incorporated Reform Act 2012. Our governing document is the model rules for incorporated associations. Our licence to use the Lynden Park Recreational Facility is granted by the City of Boroondara. We have annual reporting obligations to members, Consumer Affairs Victoria and the City of Boroondara. 

Committee Structure

The committee is elected by members at the Annual General Meeting held in August or September every year. Other roles available to non-committee members include Website Manager, Hall Hire Liaison, Maintenance Coordinator and Membership Officer. 

There are many people other than those mentioned here who contribute to running the Club, see Contacts for some specific details.

Committee Members

President Coleen 0403 752 231
Vice President Bob Hutchinson see Membership List
Secretary Deidre 0419 141 417
Treasurer Greg see Membership List
Member Paul see Membership List see Membership List
Member Kathy 

see Membership List

see Membership List

Member Marion McDonald see Membership List see Membership List
Member Faye O'Sullivan see Membership List see Membership List

The Committee meets every month to achieve the aims of the club (see below), plan activities and guide and improve the Club's performance on all criteria. It's important the Club does not stand still or, as everyone knows, others will overtake us.

Club Honour Board click here

Committee  Meeting Minutes

Click here to see precis of recent Committee activities, projects, major decisions and other items of interest to all Members.

Joining the Committee

We welcome members to join the Committee. New members on the Committee are one of the best ways to keep fresh ideas coming forward. The Committee meets monthly on a Wednesday morning at the Clubhouse for about 1 1/2 hours before play.

The Aims of the Club

    1. To provide the means for Members to enjoy and play petanque at all levels of ability, both socially and competitively.
    2. To provide regular training opportunities to help Members improve their knowledge as well as their standard of play.
    3. To hold petanque/social related activities to encourage a socially inclusive Club atmosphere.
    4. To participate in hosting inter-club, interstate and international events and encourage Members to play in these.
    5. To increase the Club's active player base through recruiting new and Social Members and re-engaging less active Members.
    6. To spread the work of running of the Club more broadly across all Members for a satisfying, fairer and better outcome.